20 estadísticas sorprendentes sobre comercio electrónico que debes conocer para hacer crecer tu negocio

¿Buscas algo sorprendente? Estadísticas de comercio electrónico ¿Cómo orientar su negocio en línea en la dirección correcta? Si conoce las estadísticas recientes de la industria del comercio electrónico, podrá comprender fácilmente las tendencias de la industria y lograr un crecimiento constante. En este blog, le informaremos sobre todas las estadísticas importantes de la industria del comercio electrónico que debe conocer como propietario de una empresa. Así que, sin más preámbulos, descubramos las estadísticas de comercio electrónico más sorprendentes a continuación.

eCommerce Statistics

20 Astonishing eCommerce Statistics

We have compiled the most exciting eCommerce stats that will assist you to understand the future of this industry. Have a close look at them to make your marketing strategy even based on the facts and stay ahead of the competition.

eCommerce Platforms That Are Currently Blooming

1. According to similarweb, the world’s most popular eCommerce platform is Amazon which has around 2.73 billion estimated monthly visitors, while eBay has 855.82 million monthly visitors. These stats can be an inspiration for the sellers who want to transform their offline business into online.

2. There have been ups and downs in the platforms used for building eCommerce websites. According to BuiltWith’s July 2022 update, 26% of businesses were using Shopify eCommerce technology solutions for building their website. WooCommerce is in second place on this list by 24% worldwide. These two platforms are dominating eCommerce technology solutions around the world. 

eCommerce Statistics
Fuente de la imagen: BuiltWith

General eCommerce Growth Statistics

3. While video marketing is getting more popular day by day 61% of US shoppers still read blogs for product recommendations. They trust the reviewers before purchasing anything online. So, this online shopper’s statistics suggest that you should definitely have serious thoughts on content marketing to become successful in the eCommerce business.

4. In 2016, 46% of American small businesses didn’t have a website. However, this number significantly reduced to 28% in 2021. Experts believe that COVID-19 is the reason for the significant increase in small businesses having websites.

5. Nasdaq predicts that by 2040 the buyers will make 95% of purchases online. So, this could be the right time for you to transform your offline business into an online store. 

6. AI-powered chatbots can save up to 30% of your customers’ support costs and optimize your support team. So, as an eCommerce business owner, you can integrate AI customer service to help your customers purchase products from your shop 24/7.  

Ultimate Email eCommerce Statistics 

7. 61% of customers prefer to be contacted by email from the brands, while 99% of email users open their email daily. So, you may consider investing in email marketing if you haven’t started yet. 

eCommerce Statistics
Fuente de la imagen: Statista

8. On average, email marketing brings 4400% return on investment for the business owners. That means, if you invest 1 dollar per email, you will get 44 dollars in return. So, email marketing could bring the breakthrough you are looking for.

eCommerce Statistics
Fuente de la imagen: Campaign Monitor

9. According to Campaign Monitor, segmented email campaigns bring a 760% increase in revenue for the eCommerce business. So, segmenting your subscribers and sending targeted emails can increase your revenue by a huge margin. 

eCommerce Statistics
Fuente de la imagen: Campaign Monitor

10. In the USA, 21.2% of all customers open their email between 9 am and noon. Additionally, nearly 22% of consumers open them within an hour of sending their email. So, you can target these timing to get the most out of your email campaigns. 

eCommerce Statistics
Fuente de la imagen: Litmus

Rise Of The Mobile eCommerce Industry 

11. In 2020, Statista predicts that by 2024 the number of people who buy products online by mobile will exceed 187 million in the USA. This number suggests that you need to keep mobile users in my while building your website for eCommerce stores. Having a mobile-friendly, responsive design is highly recommended for all eCommerce websites. 

eCommerce Statistics
Fuente de la imagen: Statista

12. People use their mobile phones more frequently on the holidays. According to a survey, 40% of all online purchases during the 2018 holiday season are made through mobile phones. So, during the holiday season, you should focus on mobile users in your marketing campaigns. 

eCommerce Statistics
Fuente de la imagen: Caja exterior

13. Instead of searching for something by text, 71% of shoppers prefer to use voice search for purchasing a product online. According to a report, shopping through voice commands has raised an estimated $40 billion in 2022. These figures suggest that you need to optimize your eCommerce business and marketing campaign for voice searches as well.

14. The total time spent on retail apps reached over 100 billion hours around the world. Mobile shoppers prefer to use apps for shopping, you can build an app for your eCommerce store or use progressive web apps to provide the best user experience for your customers. 

15. 70% of mobile shoppers buy what they are searching for on the internet within one hour. So, optimizing search engines for mobile devices can help you get more revenue out of your eCommerce store. 

Value Of Social Media eCommerce Strategy 

16. On average, an eCommerce that has social media presence can earn 32% more revenue. So, you can start investing on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter to increase your sales. 

17. Among all the social media platforms, Shopify gets 85% of orders from Facebook. So, promoting your Shopify shop on Facebook could help you to increase your Shopify sales by a huge margin.

eCommerce Statistics
Fuente de la imagen: Shopify

18. On Facebook, eCommerce websites post weekly 4.55 times on average. This fact suggests that you should keep posting on your social media on a regular basis to build relationships with your customers.

19. 75% of Instagram users take action once they come up with an Instagram advertising post. So, if you want to get more leads for your eCommerce store, Instagram could be the perfect platform for investing. 

20. According to a survey, 62% of social media users get interested in products that they see in their Stories. So, as an eCommerce owner, you should also keep sharing your products on the Stories to get the best out of social media marketing.

Key Takeaways From The Recent eCommerce Statistics

Understating eCommerce statistics can help you to create a successful marketing strategy for your eCommerce business. All the eCommerce industry statistics that we have shared today suggest that, if you want more revenue from your eCommerce business, you need to make data-driven decisions. In this way, you ensure the best return on investment and minimize your cost while maximizing your revenue.

Bonus: Important eCommerce Metrics You Need To Measure

eCommerce is one of the most rapidly changing industries. Therefore, you need to adapt quickly based on important metrics like conversion, revenue, CRM score, etc. constantly. Using these metrics you can maximize your profit at ease. Read this blog to learn more about sales growth metrics and KPIs.

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Imagen de Ahmed Kawser

Ahmed Kawser

Ahmed Kawser es un entusiasta de la tecnología que siente pasión por el marketing de contenidos, la redacción de reseñas y los blogs de viajes. Tiene una licenciatura en Economía y su sueño es cambiar el mundo. Entre sus pasatiempos se encuentran jugar al cricket, viajar, ver películas y leer libros.

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