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Cómo agregar el optimizador de imágenes a su plan de suscripción

StoreSEO has an Optimizador de imágenes add-on feature that can help you resize and reduce your image sizes. Follow these steps to add Image Optimizer to your subscription plan.

How To Add Image Optimizer To Subscription Plan

First of all, Instalar la aplicación StoreSEO in your Shopify store to add Image Optimizer to your plan before following the guidelines below. 

Paso 1: Vaya a la pestaña "Planes de suscripción"

Haga clic en 'Planes de suscripción’ tab where you will see all StoreSEO subscription plans. Now, select any pricing plan, and then click on the ‘Elegir' botón. 

Step 2: Choose Your Image Optimizer Subscription Plan

Now, choose any Image Optimizer plan you want to subscribe to and then hit the ‘Verificar’ button. If you choose the ‘Gratis’ package this button will redirect you to the dashboard. 

If you choose any premium plan, you will be redirected to the checkout page. Add your preferred payment method and click on the ‘Aprobar’ button. Instantly your subscription plan will be upgraded. 

This is how easily you can add Image Optimizer to your subscription plan. 
¿Necesita ayuda? No dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestro Equipo de soporte dedicado Para cualquier tipo de consulta.

Documentos relacionados con el optimizador de imágenes:

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Actualizado el marzo 24, 2024


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