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Comment activer ou désactiver la notification par e-mail dans StoreSEO ?

Avec Référencement de magasin, you can get weekly updates of your Shopify store’s SEO performance report through an email notification. This feature helps you to stay informed about your store’s product optimization report from your email. Read the documentation below to learn how to enable or disable Email Notification from StoreSEO.

Comment activer ou désactiver la notification par e-mail dans StoreSEO ?

To get weekly updates on the overall product optimization report, follow the simple step-by-step guidelines to find out how to enable or disable email notifications in StoreSEO.

Step 1: Open Email Notification Settings

First, log in to your Shopify store. From the app search panel, search for StoreSEO. Now, from the StoreSEO dashboard, go to 'Paramètres'‘Email Notification’.

Email Notification In StoreSEO

Step 2: Turn On The Email Notification Option

Maintenant, cliquez sur le 'Allumer' button to get performance reports of your store delivered to your inbox and the email notification will be enabled.

Email Notification in StoreSEO

You can set a specific Day and Time you prefer for the email notification on overall product optimization. So, select your preferred Day and Time. Click on the 'Sauvegarder' button once done.

Email Notification in StoreSEO

If you do not want to get any weekly notifications, simply click on ‘Turn Off’ and the email notification will be disabled.

Email Notification in StoreSEO

This is how easily you can enable or disable email notifications from the StoreSEO app and get performance reports of your store delivered to your inbox. 

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Mis à jour le août 19, 2024


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