How To Migrate From SEO Manager To StoreSEO

When it comes to choosing the right SEO app for your Shopify business, it’s crucial that you choose the solution that offers the most advanced features. If you are already using an SEO app and are looking for an alternative, migration vers StoreSEO could be the answer. The best part? It only takes a few clicks, and you will be able to keep all of your previous store data!

Ready to get started? Then dive in! In this tutorial, we are going to show you how you can migrate from SEO Manager to StoreSEO in a matter of minutes.

SEO Manager To StoreSEO

💡 Top Reasons To Migrate To StoreSEO From Any Other SEO App

If you are using SEO Manager for your Shopify store and planning to switch to another, Référencement de magasin can be an alternative without any doubt. Let’s begin by exploring the exceptional features offered by StoreSEO:

🚀 Get started effortlessly with a simple, easy-to-use setup wizard. In a matter of minutes, you can create templates for meta description, product titles, image alt text, and more, and apply these settings instantly to all products on your Shopify store.

How To Migrate From SEO Manager To StoreSEO

🔎 Effortlessly scan, fix and optimize your Shopify store by quickly checking for SEO issues and resolving them with the help of detailed SEO fix instructions.

How To Migrate From SEO Manager To StoreSEO

📊 Find and add the right keywords to rank your store using the built-in advanced Analyse des mots-clés feature from StoreSEO. All you have to do is enter a keyword that is relevant to your product or business, and then click on the « Analyse des mots-clés » button to check detailed information such as the volume de recherche, cost per click, paid difficulty, etc. These information will help you decide if you should try to target these keywords.

How To Migrate From SEO Manager To StoreSEO

Once you have selected a keyword that you want to target, you can easily optimize your products with that keyword using StoreSEO by simply inserting the keyword with one click.

How To Migrate From SEO Manager To StoreSEO

⚡Make all of your product images SEO optimized by adding image alt text to all products in bulk, which increases your store’s visibility on search engines and optimizes your product images for SEO by providing suitable image alt text.

How To Migrate From SEO Manager To StoreSEO

🔗 Seamlessly integrate with Google Search Console and make data-driven decisions. Connecting your Shopify store to Google Search Console will help you analyze your eCommerce website traffic. It is also an important prerequisite for soumettre vos plans de site Shopify and thus improve the search engine crawling of your eCommerce products.

💡 Take advantage of local SEO and submit structured JSON-LD data to search engines with only a few clicks. You can add all the relevant details about your business with StoreSEO to make your business more easily visible to your potential customers.

How To Migrate From SEO Manager To StoreSEO

All these exciting features and functionalities make StoreSEO stand out from other Shopify SEO apps. If you are ready to access all of these advanced features and rank your business on page one, then dive into the tutorial and see how you can migrate from SEO Manager to StoreSEO without any hassle.

💡 How To Migrate From SEO Manager To StoreSEO: Complete Guide

By following a few straightforward steps, you can migrate from SEO Manager to StoreSEO on your Shopify store in just a matter of minutes without losing any of your pre-existing, valuable store data. The best part? When migrating to StoreSEO from any other Shopify SEO app, you can even choose which data you want to migrate as well.

🖥️ Step 1: Install StoreSEO App On Your Shopify Store

To begin, installer l'application StoreSEO on your Shopify store. If you’re unsure how to do so, refer to this comprehensive and user-friendly guide for instructions on Installation de StoreSEO sur votre site Web Shopify. 

SEO Manager To StoreSEO

🔄 Étape 2 : migrez vers StoreSEO en un rien de temps

If you’re looking to migrate from SEO Manager to StoreSEO, chances are you’ve already gathered useful data that can facilitate a seamless migration. To do this, simply visit the « Paramètres SEO » section in the app and choose which information you wish to transfer. It’s a straightforward process – just select or deselect the relevant boxes as per your preference and witness an uptick in your online store’s search rankings.

SEO Manager To StoreSEO

After you have made your selections, click on the 'Suivant' bouton pour accéder au 'Analyse' tab. Here, you’ll receive a report on the number of products that have been synchronized and analyzed, among other details. Next, click on 'Suivant' again, and you’ll be just two steps away from migrating from SEO Manager to StoreSEO on your Shopify website.

SEO Manager To StoreSEO

Now, you’re on the ‘Optimization’ onglet. Cette section met en évidence les ajustements potentiels que vous devez apporter à votre boutique. Votre prochaine étape consiste à vous assurer que tous les problèmes de référencement reçoivent un score de 100. Une fois cela fait, cliquez sur 'Suivant' to proceed with the migration from SEO Manager to StoreSEO.

SEO Manager To StoreSEO

🎯 Step 3: Complete Migration From The SEO Manager App

Congratulations on reaching the final step of your migration from SEO Manager to StoreSEO. With just one click, you can now switch from SEO Manager to StoreSEO by following the steps above. Once you’ve completed the process, you can head over to the 'Succès' tab to uninstall SEO Manager (if desired), as all of your app data has been fully migrated to your online store.

SEO Manager To StoreSEO

The best part? You can relax and let StoreSEO handle the rest, as it ensures a seamless migration process without any data loss. Say goodbye to the SEO Manager and welcome to the world of StoreSEO.

🚀 Migrate From SEO Manager To StoreSEO & Improve Your SEO Strategy

So, if you’re ready to take your Shopify store to the next level and boost your online visibility, make the switch to StoreSEO by following the steps above. Start your migration from SEO Manager today. Remember to regularly review and update your SEO strategy to stay ahead of the competition as search engine algorithms are constantly changing.

Don’t settle for less when you can enhance your Shopify experience with StoreSEO. Want more tutorials like this? Abonnez-vous à notre blog for regular updates.

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Shahidul Islam

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