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Comment collecter l'identifiant de propriété Google Analytics GA4

You can integrate Google Analytics with StoreSEO to easily track your store traffic and activities. 

To integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics, you need to collect the GA4 Google Analytics Property ID first. Follow this documentation to learn how to collect the Property ID following the simple step-by-step.

Note: Before following this guide, please complete the first 6 steps from cette documentation to smoothen the whole process. 

How To Collect GA4 Google Analytics Property ID 

First of all, you need to have a Google Analytics account to collect your property ID. Follow this documentation to open your GA4 Google Analytics and retrieve the Property ID.

Step 1: Set Up Your Google Analytics Account 

First, go to Google Analytics and log in with your Gmail account. After that, Click on the ‘Start measuring' bouton.

Google Analytics Property ID

Now, provide your account name there and check the ‘Google products & services’ option before clicking on the ‘Suivant' bouton. 

Google Analytics Property ID

De la 'Property Creation’ section provide the ‘Property name’ and then click on the ‘Suivant' bouton.

Google Analytics Property ID

From the next step, provide your business details before hitting the ‘Suivant’ button as shown below.

Google Analytics Property ID

Now, you need to provide your objectives for using Google Analytics. Check all the options that are relevant to your business and click on the ‘Créer’ button. After that, from the popup window, checkmark all the terms and conditions before clicking on the ‘I Agree' bouton. 

Google Analytics Property ID

Après cela, cliquez sur le «Web’ button from the next tab and provide your website URL and a Stream Name before hitting the ‘Create stream' bouton.

Google Analytics Property ID

Now, navigate to the ‘Google tag’ and click the ‘View tag instruction’ button to connect your website with Google Analytics. 

Google Analytics Property ID

De la 'Install manually’ option copy the Google tag that you have to paste in the code of every page of your website, right after the <head> element.

Google Analytics Property ID

Step 2: Paste The Google Tag In Theme Liquid

Now, log in to your Shopify account dashboard. From the ‘Sale Channel’ section, go to the ‘Online Store’ → 'Themes’ and then click on the 3 dot button at the top right corner of the screen. Now, click on the ‘Edit Code’ which will open your Shopify site code editor. 

Google Analytics Property ID

Now, paste the code that you have copied previously, right after the <head> element. Then click on the ‘Sauvegarder' bouton. 

Google Analytics Property ID

Step 3: Add Your Search Console Links

Now, you have to go back to the Google Analytics dashboard. Click on the Gear icon to open the admin section. After that, navigate to the ’Search Console Links' option. 

Collect GA4 Google Analytics Property ID

Maintenant, cliquez sur le «Link’ button and then hit the ‘Choose account’ button. This will open a new window for you.

Google Analytics Property ID

Now, check the mark before the Property Name to link with Google Analytics. Afterward, simply, click on the ‘Confirmer' bouton. 

Google Analytics Property ID

Step 4: Collect GA4 Google Analytics Property ID 

Now, click on the Gear icon to open the admin section. After that, navigate to the ’Property Settings’ option. Copy the ‘PROPERTY ID’ from there to add to the StoreSEO app.

Google Analytics Property ID

Alternatively, you can search for the property ID from the search bar and copy it from there without any hassle. 

Google Analytics Property ID

Now, come back to your StoreSEO dashboard. Navigate to ‘Paramètres‘ → ‘Google Analytics‘ tab.  Paste your ID de propriété Google Analytics GA4 on the blank field and then click on the ‘Mise à jour' bouton pour configurer des analyses sur votre boutique. 

How To Collect GA4 Google Analytics Property ID

This is how you can collect your GA4 Google Analytics Property ID and add it to the StoreSEO app to track your data from your Shopify dashboard.

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Mis à jour le octobre 31, 2023


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