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¿Cómo personalizar la vista previa de las redes sociales de los productos de Shopify con StoreSEO?

Con el Aplicación StoreSEO, you can now customize social media previews of your Shopify products that will help you efficiently show detailed information on Facebook, Twitter and Google search results pages. You can even choose which images should be displayed on Facebook and Twitter, by using this feature from StoreSEO.

How To Customize Social Media Preview Of Products?

Before you start, make sure you have created a product list inside of your Shopify product store. Follow these step-by-step guidelines to find out how to customize social media preview con StoreSEO. 

Paso 1: Seleccione e instale la aplicación StoreSEO

Primero, ve a la 'Aplicaciones' option on Shopify and select the ‘StoreSEO’ app from there. Then, follow the instructions in this guide to install the Aplicación StoreSEO.

Step 2: Go To The Product List From StoreSEO Dashboard 

Ahora haga clic en 'Products’ tab from the StoreSEO dashboard and find all your Shopify products listed down with details. Beside the product details, click on the ‘Arreglar’ button to customize the social media preview text.

Customize social media preview

You can add a new description or change the meta description of your product from the ‘General SEO' pestaña.

Customize social media preview

After adding the meta description, you will see the immediate effect of an boosted number of the overall SEO score.

Customize social media preview

Haga clic en 'Guardar cambios’ button to save the progress. Now  come to the ‘Preview Snippet’ tab and see the changes you just have made. 

Customize social media preview

Step 3: Customize Social Media Preview With StoreSEO 

Después de hacer clic en 'Arreglar’ button, you need to navigate to the ‘ Preview Snippet’ tab to customize social media previews.

Customize social media preview

From here, you can toggle buttons to see the mobile view and desktop view as well. You can also check the Google search preview, Facebook link preview, and Twitter link preview texts. 

Si desea cambiar las imágenes de vista previa de la Vista previa del enlace de Facebook and ‘Twitter Link Preview’ options, you can do it from the same ‘Preview Snippet’  section by clicking on the ‘Change Facebook Image’ and ‘Change Twitter Image’ botones respectivamente. 

Customize social media preview

This is how easily you can easily customize social media previews using the StoreSEO app.Need assistance? Feel free to reach out to our Equipo de soporte dedicado Para cualquier tipo de consulta.

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Actualizado el 16 de octubre de 2023


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