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¿Cómo ayudará StoreSEO a optimizar el SEO para los productos de Shopify?

SEO de la tienda ayuda optimize SEO for Shopify products so that they have more online visibility among your potential customers. StoreSEO ensures everything is in order by showing an SEO score and all the fields that need to be fixed to bring a good SEO score for your product page. Learn how StoreSEO will help Optimize SEO for Shopify products from the guidelines below.

Before you start, make sure you have created or added a product and Instalada la aplicación StoreSEO to your Shopify store. Then, follow these step-by-step guidelines to find out how to optimize the product page with StoreSEO.

Step 1: Navigate To StoreSEO Product Optimization

Inicie sesión en su tienda Shopify. Luego, desde la barra de búsqueda en la parte superior o en el 'Aplicaciones' en la barra lateral izquierda, busque la aplicación StoreSEO y haga clic en ella. Desde el panel de StoreSEO, vaya a la opción 'Optimizar SEO' pestaña. Ahora haga clic en 'Productos' opción.

Make sure to sync all products to see the product list on this page. Choose the product you want to optimize, and click on the ‘Solucionar problema' botón. 

Step 1: Navigate To The Product Page

Step 2: Optimize Shopify Product

Ahora es el momento de optimizar el Shopify product page SEO. As you can see in the image below, the SEO details of your selected product are shown by StoreSEO. From the right side panel, you will also find Análisis SEO básico y Análisis SEO detallado para encontrar los factores clave que deben abordarse para mejorar la puntuación SEO.

Step 2: Optimize Shopify Product

Análisis SEO básico

Empecemos con Análisis SEO básicoAquí, tenemos que asegurarnos de que se cumplan varios criterios, como colocar una palabra clave de enfoque única en los lugares requeridos, mantener una longitud optimizada del metatítulo y la descripción, entre otros. A continuación, le mostraremos cómo hacer esto uno por uno.

Basic SEO Analysis

La palabra clave de enfoque es única

First, you need to choose the proper focus keyword. This is crucial because the product is indexed on search engines based on this keyword. To put it simply, your potential customers will have a higher likelihood of finding your product if their search keyword and your selected focus keyword match.

Por lo tanto, hay que tener mucho cuidado y hacer Investigación adecuada de palabras clave Al elegir la palabra clave de enfoque, se deben tener en cuenta algunos aspectos:

Relevancia de palabras clave: Make sure the keyword is relevant to your product, business, audience and niche. Suppose, you are selling apple cider vinegar. Your focus keyword should be relevant to this product. Now, you select a high search volume keyword containing the term ‘fresh apple' o 'apple iphone’Estas palabras clave están fuera del nicho de tu producto, por lo que, aunque puedan tener un mayor volumen de búsqueda, no serán una opción relevante. 

Volumen de búsqueda: Las palabras clave con un mayor volumen de búsquedas tienen más búsquedas cada mes. Si selecciona palabras clave con un mayor volumen de búsquedas, tendrá más probabilidades de enfrentarse a una mayor competencia. Cuanto más específicas sean las palabras clave que utilice, con mayor precisión podrá llegar a su público objetivo.

Ahora, si elige una palabra clave de enfoque largo como 'Vinagre de sidra de manzana orgánico original sin filtrar', tienes una palabra clave única pero hay menos posibilidades de que los clientes utilicen esta palabra clave completa durante una búsqueda. Es por eso que no tiene un buen volumen de búsqueda como se muestra en la imagen a continuación.

low search volume

Ahora, si eliges una palabra clave de enfoque corto como 'vinagre de sidra de manzanaVerá que tiene un alto volumen de búsqueda, como se muestra en la imagen a continuación. Sin embargo, estas palabras clave populares tienen demasiado tráfico y será mucho más difícil posicionarlas y llegar a su audiencia.

high search volume

Por otro lado, si selecciona la palabra clave de enfoque 'organic apple cider vinegar', tienes un buen volumen de búsqueda (no demasiado alto) y hay una mayor posibilidad de indexación sin enfrentar mucha competencia. Por eso, esta es la opción de palabra clave de enfoque más adecuada en este caso particular.

medium search volume

Coste por clic: Si publica anuncios con palabras clave específicas, el costo por clic determina el presupuesto aproximado para la campaña publicitaria. Por lo tanto, elegir palabras clave con un costo por clic más alto significa que necesita tener un presupuesto de campaña mayor. Tenga en cuenta que es un valor estimado y No tienes que preocuparte por ello si no estás ejecutando ningún anuncio.

Dificultad paga: Esto representa la demanda de palabras clave cuando se utilizan en anuncios pagos. Una mayor dificultad paga indica que la palabra clave también tiene más competencia en la búsqueda orgánica. Por lo tanto, es una métrica importante durante la investigación de palabras clave.

Palabras claves relacionadas: Recuerde comprobar las palabras clave relacionadas con una palabra clave en particular. Estas palabras clave relacionadas le brindarán sugerencias de palabras clave adicionales. Por lo tanto, es posible que encuentre una mejor opción de palabras clave de enfoque. Asegúrese de que las palabras clave relacionadas se adapten a su producto, negocio, audiencia y nicho.

Back to product optimization on StoreSEO, place your preferred keyword in the ‘Palabra clave de enfoque' campo. Haga clic en el 'Análisis de palabras clave' botón para obtener instantáneamente el Volumen de búsqueda, Coste por clic, Dificultad paga y Palabras claves relacionadas para su palabra clave.

Aquí hemos seleccionado 'organic apple cider vinegar’ as the focus keyword. It is recommended that different focus keywords be used for different products. However, if your products are all similar, the same focus keyword can be used for them. Please choose a keyword according to your business. Do Investigación de palabras clave para Shopify para esto.

Focus keyword is unique

La palabra clave de enfoque se utiliza en el metatítulo

Your product’s meta title and meta description are the first things that customers see when exploring search engines. Therefore, both of these are very important and should be written carefully and properly. Now, make sure that the focus keyword is used in the meta title. As you can see in the image below, our meta title is the following: 

Vinagre de sidra de manzana orgánico 100% Pure Natural Hand Pressed

So, it contains our selected focus keyword (marked bold).

Focus keyword is used in the meta title

Meta description is within 120-165 characters

Su product’s meta description should be within 120-165 characters. It should also contain the focus keyword that you have selected. Our meta description is the following: 

Discover the health benefits of our premium organic apple cider vinegar. Ideal for detox, weight loss, and overall wellness. Get it now at an amazing price.

As you can see, the meta description is 156 characters long so it meets the requirement of being within 120-165 characters.

Meta description is within 120-165 characters

Meta title is within 50-70 characters

Keep your meta title within 50-70 characters. As you can see, our meta title is the following: 

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar 100% Pure Natural Hand Pressed

It is 58 characters long so it meets the requirement.

Meta title is within 50-70 characters

Product title is unique

Make sure the product title is unique. This means do not use the same product title for more than one product in your Shopify store. Remember this when adding a new product. Also, place your selected focus keyword in the product title.

When you do not have your focus keyword in the product title, it will show a cross mark in StoreSEO detailed SEO analysis. So, click on the ‘Edit product’ button and edit the product title from the ‘Título’ field. Make sure the product title contains the focus keyword in a sensible manner. Click on the ‘AhorrarBotón ' una vez que haya terminado.

Product title is unique 1

As you can see, one of our product titles is ‘Organic Apple Cider Vinegar With The Mother’ which cannot be found in the title of any other product. It also contains our selected focus keyword.

Product title is unique 2

Análisis SEO detallado

Ahora procederemos a Análisis SEO detallado. For this, we have to make sure that the focus keyword is placed in the image alt text, product title, meta description and URL and meet a few other requirements. Let us show you how to do all these.

Detailed SEO Analysis

La palabra clave de enfoque se utiliza en el texto alternativo de la imagen

Scroll down and find the ‘Texto alternativo fields. Here, make sure that the focus keyword is used in the texto alternativo de la imagen. As you can see in the image below, all our Alt text fields contain Vinagre de sidra de manzana orgánico (our selected focus keyword).

Focus keyword is used in image alt text

Focus keyword is used in the product title

When you do not have your focus keyword in the product title, it will show a cross mark in StoreSEO detailed SEO analysis. So, click on the ‘Edit product’ button and edit the product title from the ‘Título’ field. Make sure the product title contains the focus keyword in a sensible manner. Click on the ‘AhorrarBotón ' una vez que haya terminado.

Focus keyword is used in the product title 1

As shown below, our product title contains ‘Organic Apple Cider Vinegar’ which is our selected focus keyword.

Focus keyword is used in the product title 2

Palabra clave de enfoque encontrada en la meta descripción

As we have shown previously, you have to place the focus keyword in the meta description. So, you can check it again to make sure that you have done it.

Focus keyword found in meta description

Focus keyword is at the beginning of meta title

Now, make sure that the focus keyword lies at the beginning of the meta title. As you can see in the GIF below, when we have done this the SEO score has noticeably improved.

This is our meta title:

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar 100% Pure Natural Hand Pressed

As you can see, the focus keyword ‘Vinagre de sidra de manzana orgánico’ has been placed at the beginning.

Focus keyword is at the beginning of meta title

Focus keyword density is 3-6 times for product description

For this, from the Shopify dashboard, click on the ‘Productos’ tab in the left sidebar. Select your desired product from the list. Now, make sure that the focus keyword density is 3-6 times in the product description without any keyword stuffing. We have used our focus keyword 6 times in the example below:

Focus keyword density is 3-6 times for product description

La palabra clave de enfoque se utiliza en la URL

Finally, make sure that the product URL contains the focus keyword. As you can see, the URL field contains ‘Vinagre de sidra de manzana orgánico' o nuestra palabra clave de enfoque seleccionada. 

Nota: If your product has already been indexed and you want to change its URL, it is recommended to create a URL redirection. We are assuming that you are optimizing a new or your first store. In that case, it is best not to create any unnecessary redirections.

Focus keyword is used in the URL

Write a product description of 50 to 300 words

Make sure that the product description shown previously contains 50 to 300 words. As you can see, we have written our product description accordingly to ensure the best SEO results. Read Este blog to find out how to write unique product descriptions in Shopify.

Write a product description of 50 to 300 words

Agregar texto alternativo a todas las imágenes

If you have multiple images for your product, ensure that the Focus Keyword is used in the alt text of all images. As you can see in the image below, we have used our selected Focus Keyword in the alt text of all our product images.

We have used the following image alt text: Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Machine Pressed 100 ml, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Hand Pressed 100 ml y Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Diluted 100 ml. All contain ‘Vinagre de sidra de manzana orgánico’ or our selected Focus Keyword.

Add alt text to all images

All Images are optimized

Remember to optimize all the images used for the product. With StoreSEO, you can optimize images on Shopify with ease. When optimizing a product with StoreSEO, click on the ‘Optimizar’ button beside each image to optimize it individually. You can also click on the ‘Optimize All’ button to optimize all of the images at once.

All Images are optimized 1

To optimize all your store’s images in one place, select the ‘Optimizador de imágenes’ tab under StoreSEO from the left sidebar. Here, you can optimize images, restore optimized images to the original and compare the restored and original versions under Action as shown below.

Image Optimizer tab in StoreSEO

For additional settings, click on the ‘Ajustes’ tab in the left sidebar. Then, choose the ‘Optimizador de imágenes’ option. Turn on ‘Optimización automática de imágenes’ option to automatically have your images optimized upon upload. You can also choose your desired image compression and image format settings along with the output dimension for the resized image. Click on the ‘AhorrarBotón ' cuando haya terminado.

StoreSEO image compression and image format settings

By following these steps, you can address every important SEO factor for the best possible optimization score for your product page. If you need help to optimize your content for SEO, you can also use the Optimizador de contenido con inteligencia artificial de StoreSEO

Once you are done with your product optimization and happy with the overall SEO Score, click on the ‘Ahorrar' botón.

click on the ‘Save’ button in the end

This is how easily you can optimize Shopify Product Pages con StoreSEO. ¿Necesitas ayuda? No dudes en ponerte en contacto con nuestro equipo. Equipo de soporte dedicado Para cualquier tipo de consulta.

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Actualizado el 14 de agosto de 2024


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