साथ स्टोरएसईओ ऐप you can add an Image alt text that will describe the product picture to the visitors who are not able to see the product. After you have done your keyword research, you can add the keyword in the alt text and rank your product image in Google search.
How To Add An Image Alt Text For Shopify Products
Before you start, make sure you have created a product list inside of your Shopify product store और StoreSEO ऐप इंस्टॉल किया गया successfully. Follow these step-by-step guidelines to find out how to add an image alt text for your Shopify products.
चरण 1: इंस्टॉल किए गए ऐप्स से StoreSEO चुनें
सबसे पहले, आपको install and activate StoreSEO app अपने Shopify शॉप पर जाएँ। फिर जाएँ 'ऐप्स' option and select the ‘स्टोरएसईओ' वहां से ऐप डाउनलोड करें।
चरण 2: Shopify उत्पाद सूची पर जाएं
अब ' पर क्लिक करेंउत्पाद' tab from above and find all your Shopify products listed down with details. For the product you want to add an Image Alt text, click on the ‘हल करना’ button from the product details.
Step 3: Add Image Alt Text For Shopify Products
Drop down to the ‘Image Alt Text’ section to add and edit the alt text of each of your Shopify product images.
Now, you can add descriptive text or the focus keyword to describe your Shopify product. Click on ‘परिवर्तनों को सुरक्षित करें’ to save the progress. You can see the changes in the SEO score immediately.
इस प्रकार आप आसानी से कर सकते हैं छवि का वैकल्पिक पाठ जोड़ें for Shopify products using the StoreSEO app
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