

StoreSEO を設定するための詳細なガイドを確認し、その高度な機能をすべて活用して SERP で上位にランク付けし、ビジネスの成長を加速しましょう。

StoreSEO を Google Analytics と統合する方法

ストアSEOプロ comes with an amazing feature that lets you integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics so that you can track your store traffic and understand how people find and interact with your store.

Note: You need to have a Google Analytics account to connect it with StoreSEO. So, before following this guideline, create your Google Analytics account first.

StoreSEO を Google Analytics と統合する方法

始める前に、 StoreSEO Premiumにアップグレード Shopify ストアを Google アナリティクスに接続する計画を立てます。 

Step 1: Authenticate Your Store With Google

First, from your dashboard, navigate to the ‘Settings’ → ‘Google Integrations’ tab. Now, you need to authenticate your store with Google by hitting on the ‘今すぐサインイン' ボタン。

Integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics

Now, select the Google account that is configured with your Google Analytics account from the next window to connect with your store. After logging in, the authentication will be done immediately.

Integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics

Step 2: Verify Site With Google

その後、「今すぐ確認’ button to verify your Shopify store website.

Integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics

Now, you will find a window where you have to log in to your same Gmail account again. Once you log in to your Gmail, your store verification will be done. 

Integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics

Step 3: Add Site To Google Search Console

After verifying your site with Google, click on the ‘今すぐリンク’ button to integrate StoreSEO with Google Search Console. Now, wait for the next window to come up.

Integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics

Now, you will find a window where you have to log in to your same Gmail account again. Login to your Gmail, then click on the ‘許可する' ボタン。

Integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics

Step 4: Submit Sitemap To Google

今すぐ許可’ button to submit your Shopify Store sitemap to Google. Once you hit the ‘今すぐ許可’ button, your store sitemap will be automatically submitted to Google.

Integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics

Now, you will find a window where you have to log in to your same Gmail account again. Once you login to your Gmail account, your store sitemap will be automatically submitted to Google.

Integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics

Step 5: Grant Permission For Instant Indexing

その後、「今すぐ許可’ button to provide the necessary permissions to index your store instantly.

Integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics

Now, you will find a window where you have to log in to your same Gmail account again. Login to your Gmail, then click on the ‘許可する' ボタン。 

Integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics

After that, you will be redirected to your store. Now, click on the ‘はい’ button on the popup window to index your products immediately. 

Step 6: Grant Access To Google Analytics Data

Similarly, click on the ‘アクセスを許可する’ button to provide the necessary permissions to grant access to Google Analytics data. 

Integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics

Now, you will find a window where you have to log in to your same Gmail account again. Login to your Gmail, then click on the ‘許可する' ボタン。 

Integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics

Step 7: Google Analytics Property ID

その後、 GA4 Google アナリティクス プロパティ ID 次に「アップデート' ボタンをクリックしてストアの分析を設定します。 

注: フォロー このドキュメント GA4 Google アナリティクス プロパティ ID を収集します。 

Integrate StoreSEO with Google Analytics


これまでの手順を正常に実行したら、「分析' ボタンをクリックすると、Shopify ストアからユーザー データを追跡できます。これにより、Shopify ストアで StoreSEO と Google Analytics を簡単に統合できます。 

注: セットアップが完了した後、Google から分析データが報告されるまでに最大 24 時間かかる場合があります。

Integrate StoreSEO With Google Analytics

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