

StoreSEO を設定するための詳細なガイドを確認し、その高度な機能をすべて活用して SERP で上位にランク付けし、ビジネスの成長を加速しましょう。

Shopify のページをストア SEO と同期するにはどうすればいいですか?

ストアSEO, you can optimize the pages of your Shopifyストア for better SEO ranking in search engine results. You can examine your page’s SEO score as well. Let’s learn how you can sync pages in Shopify with Store SEO.

注記: Before getting started, make sure that you have the Store SEO app installed on your Shopify store.

First, go to your Shopify store and open the ストアSEO app inside it. From the Shopify Dashboard、へ Apps → Store SEO. 

sync pages

You will find yourself in the ストアSEO dashboard. Now, move to the ‘Pages’ tab and click on ‘Sync Pages’. You will get a pop-up to confirm the process. Click on ‘確認する'。

sync pages

This feature will make sure that all of your pages can be optimized for SEO. When more pages are added to your store, you can use the ‘Sync’ button to make sure that all the pages have been listed here for optimization.

This is how you can easily sync Shopify pages with the Store SEO app.

Getting stuck? Feel free to communicate with our 専任サポートチーム さらにサポートが必要な場合はお問い合わせください。

更新日 10月 17, 2023

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2024年版Shopify SEOガイドを入手しましょう






2025 年に向けて、大幅な節約とビジネスの推進を実現しましょう。

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