StoreSEOアプリ lets you add meta descriptions to Shopify products so that your products can have a high click-through rate in Google searches. If you have already done your keyword research for your product, you can add the keyword in the meta description which will raise its SEO score instantly.
How To Add Meta Description To Shopify Products?
Before you start, make sure you have created a product list inside of your Shopify store and installed StoreSEO in your store. Follow these step-by-step guidelines to find out how to add meta descriptions to your Shopify products.
ステップ1: インストールされたアプリからStoreSEOを選択する
まず、 install and activate the StoreSEO app Shopifyショップで 「アプリ」 option and select StoreSEO app from there.
ステップ2: Shopify製品リストに移動する
次に「Product’ tab from above and find all your Shopify products listed down with details.
Besides the product details, click on the “修理” button to add keywords and tags.
Step 3: Add Meta Description To Shopify Products
You can now write your meta description for your Shopify product that describes the product well and increases your click-through rate. In the ‘メタディスクリプション’ box, write a short description in 150 characters and click on the ‘変更を保存’ button to save your progress.
After you save your progress, you will see the change in your SEO score immediately.
こんなに簡単に add meta descriptions with StoreSEO for your Shopify製品.
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