

StoreSEO を設定するための詳細なガイドを確認し、その高度な機能をすべて活用して SERP で上位にランク付けし、ビジネスの成長を加速しましょう。


StoreSEO comes with an advanced Image Optimizer add-on to help optimize and resize your store image without any hassle. Follow this step-by-step guideline to use the image optimizer feature for your store. 

Note: first of all, you need to enable the Image Optimizer add-on on your store to get this feature. Follow このドキュメント to add the Image Optimizer to your subscription plan before following this guideline below. 

ステップ1: デフォルトの画像最適化設定を設定する 

StoreSEO image optimizer allows you to set your default image optimization settings. To configure the default settings, go to the ‘設定’ tab from your StoreSEO dashboard. Now, navigate to ‘画像最適化’ where you will find all the options to set the default optimization settings. 

Now, choose the default settings for Image Compression, Image Format, and Image Resizer as you want. Afterward, click on the ‘保存' ボタン。 

Step 2: Navigation To The ‘Image Optimizer’ Tab

StoreSEOダッシュボードから、「Image Optimizer’ tab. Now, go to the image you want to optimize and then click on the ‘Optimize’ button. Instantly your image will be optimized according to your default optimization settings.

Here, to compare the changes, click on the ‘比較する‘ button. If you want to reoptimize the image, adjust the settings as you need and hit the ‘Re-optimize’ ボタン。

How To Use StoreSEO Image Optimizer

Now, if you want to revert the image optimization, just click the ‘復元する’ button. It will instantly change back to the original image. 

注記: After optimizing an image with StoreSEO, if you replace this image and click the ‘復元する‘ button here, StoreSEO will restore the previously replaced image that you optimized and your newly added image will be deleted from your Shopify store.

Step 3: Enable Auto Image Optimization

'から画像最適化’ in sidebar click on the ‘Manage Settings’ button. A default settings tab with ‘自動画像最適化’ option will appear.

次に、「オンにする' ボタンから '自動画像最適化’ section. This will instantly enable auto image optimization for your Shopify store. To learn more, follow this ドキュメント.

This is how easily you can use StoreSEO Image Optimizer on your Shopify store. 

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更新日 4月 23, 2024

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