Ontdek onze winkelSEO-kennisbank

Bekijk onze gedetailleerde handleidingen om StoreSEO in te stellen en alle geavanceerde functies te gebruiken om hoger te scoren op SERP's en de bedrijfsgroei te versnellen

Hoe annuleer ik mijn abonnement op StoreSEO?

WinkelSEO lets you pick from several subscription plans so that you can optimize your store’s products according to your requirements and get access to more advanced SEO features. However, you can cancel your subscription plan on StoreSEO in a few simple steps if needed. We will cover these steps in this quick documentation.

Opmerking: After canceling your existing StoreSEO subscription, your plan will be automatically downgraded to the free version of the app.

How To Cancel Your Existing Subscription Plan On StoreSEO?

First of all, make sure have the StoreSEO app installed in your Shopify store. Also, you need to have an active subscription plan for the app in order to cancel it. Now, if you want to cancel your existing StoreSEO subscription, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Navigate To The ‘Subscription Plans’ Option

From the Shopify dashboard, navigate to the ‘Toepassingen’ section in the left side panel. Here, under StoreSEO, click on the ‘View more’ button to find additional options. Then, select the ‘Abonnementsplannen' optie.

Cancel Your Subscription Plan Step 1: Navigate To The ‘Subscription Plans’ Option

Step 2: Cancel Your Existing Subscription Plan

In the ‘Abonnementsplannen’ option, scroll down to the bottom. Here, hit the ‘Click here’ button. Next, click on the ‘Yes, Confirm!’ button in the popup window that will appear. Your existing StoreSEO subscription will be immediately canceled and you will also get a notification message. Your StoreSEO plan will be automatically downgraded to the free version after this.

Step 2: Cancel Your Existing Subscription Plan

This is how easily you can cancel your subscription plan on StoreSEO. Need assistance? Feel free to reach out to our toegewijd ondersteuningsteam voor elk type vraag.

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Bijgewerkt op 29 augustus 2024


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