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Hoe optimaliseer je BetterDocs voor Shopify Docs met StoreSEO?

WinkelSEO helps optimize BetterDocs for Shopify docs so that your store’s individual docs and documentation landing page get more online visibility among potential customers. During optimization, StoreSEO makes sure everything is in order by showing an SEO score. These scores tell you about all the issues that need to be fixed in order to bring a good SEO score for your docs. So, this documentation will show you how it works.

Opmerking: Before you start, make sure you have installed BetterDocs voor Shopify En WinkelSEO apps on your Winkelen store. Next, add docs using BetterDocs for Shopify. Then, follow these step-by-step guidelines to find out how to optimize a doc with StoreSEO.

Step 1: Navigate To StoreSEO Doc Optimization

Meld u aan bij uw Shopify-winkel. Ga vervolgens via de zoekbalk bovenaan of de 'Toepassingen’ option in the left sidebar, search for the StoreSEO Shopify SEO app and click on it. From the StoreSEO dashboard, go to the ‘Optimaliseer SEO' tabblad. Klik nu op de 'Documenten' optie.

Once your documentations are synced properly, you will see your doc list on this page. Choose the one you want to optimize, and click on the ‘Probleem oplossen' knop. 

Step 1: Navigate To StoreSEO Doc Optimization

Step 2: Optimize Your Individual Doc On Shopify

Now, it is time to optimize your Shopify doc for SEO. As you can see in the image below, the SEO details of your selected doc are shown by StoreSEO. From the right side panel, you will also find Basis SEO-analyse En Gedetailleerde SEO-analyse om de belangrijkste factoren te vinden die moeten worden aangepakt om de SEO-score te verbeteren.

Step 2: Optimize Your Doc On Shopify

Basis SEO-analyse

Laten we beginnen met Basis SEO-analyse. Hier moeten we verschillende criteria garanderen, zoals het plaatsen van een uniek focus-trefwoord op de vereiste plaatsen, het behouden van een geoptimaliseerde lengte van de metatitel en beschrijving en andere. We laten u nu zien hoe u dit één voor één kunt doen.

Basic SEO Analysis

Focus trefwoord is uniek

Ten eerste moet je choose the proper focus keyword. This is crucial because the doc is indexed on search engines based on this keyword. To put it simply, your potential readers or audience will have a higher likelihood of finding your doc if their search keyword and your selected focus keyword match.

Daarom moet je heel voorzichtig zijn en goed trefwoordenonderzoek bij het kiezen van het focus-trefwoord. Hier zijn een paar dingen om te overwegen:

Relevantie van trefwoorden: Make sure the keyword is relevant to your doc topic, business, audience and niche. Suppose, you are selling online streaming subscriptions through your store. Your focus keyword should be relevant to this service. Now, you select a high search volume keyword like ‘leather bag' of 'formal shirt’. These keywords are outside your service niche. So although it might have a higher search volume, it will not be a relevant option. 

Zoekvolume: Trefwoorden met een hoger zoekvolume hebben elke maand meer zoekopdrachten. Als u trefwoorden met een hoger zoekvolume selecteert, is de kans groter dat u meer concurrentie krijgt. Hoe specifieker trefwoorden u gebruikt, hoe nauwkeuriger u uw doelgroep kunt bereiken.

Als u nu een lang focus-trefwoord kiest, zoals 'How to Buy a Subscription on Our Website', je hebt een uniek trefwoord, maar de kans is kleiner dat klanten dit hele trefwoord gebruiken tijdens een zoekopdracht. Daarom heeft het geen goed zoekvolume, zoals te zien is in de onderstaande afbeelding.

Focus keyword is unique 1

Als u nu een kort focus-trefwoord kiest, zoals 'subscription', dan zul je zien dat het een hoog zoekvolume heeft, zoals te zien is in de afbeelding hieronder. Zulke populaire trefwoorden hebben echter te veel verkeer en zullen veel moeilijker te rangschikken zijn en je publiek bereiken.

Focus keyword is unique 2

Als u daarentegen het focus-trefwoord 'buy subscription', heb je een goed zoekvolume (niet te hoog) en is er een hogere kans om te indexeren zonder veel concurrentie. Daarom is dit de meest geschikte focus-trefwoordoptie in dit specifieke geval.

Focus keyword is unique 3

Kosten per klik: Als u advertenties met bepaalde trefwoorden uitvoert, bepaalt de kosten per klik het geschatte budget voor de advertentiecampagne. Als u dus trefwoorden kiest met een hogere kosten per klik, betekent dit dat u een groter campagnebudget nodig hebt. Houd er rekening mee dat dit een geschatte waarde is en U hoeft zich er geen zorgen over te maken als u geen advertenties uitvoert

Betaalde moeilijkheidsgraad: Dit vertegenwoordigt de vraag naar trefwoorden wanneer deze worden gebruikt in betaalde advertenties. Een hogere betaalde moeilijkheidsgraad geeft aan dat het trefwoord ook meer concurrentie heeft in organisch zoeken. Het is dus een belangrijke metriek tijdens trefwoordonderzoek.

Gerelateerde trefwoorden: Vergeet niet om de gerelateerde trefwoorden voor een bepaald trefwoord te controleren. Deze gerelateerde trefwoorden geven u extra trefwoordsuggesties. U kunt dus een betere focustrefwoordoptie tegenkomen. Zorg ervoor dat de gerelateerde trefwoorden passen bij uw product, bedrijf, doelgroep en niche.

Back to doc optimization on StoreSEO, place your preferred keyword in the ‘Focus trefwoord' veld. Klik op het 'Trefwoordanalyse' knop om direct de Zoekvolume, Kosten per klik, Betaalde moeilijkheidsgraad En gerelateerde trefwoorden voor uw trefwoord.

Hier hebben we ' geselecteerdbuy subscription’ as the focus keyword. It is recommended that different focus keywords be used for different docs. Please choose a keyword according to your business and the doc’s topic. Do trefwoordonderzoek voor Shopify hiervoor.

Focus keyword is unique 4

Focus keyword is used in the introduction

Next, make sure the focus keyword is used in the introduction of the doc. To edit your doc, open the BetterDocs voor Shopify-app in your store. Then, click on the ‘Documenten’ tab in the left side panel. Select the doc you want to edit from the list. Make sure to place the focus keyword in the introduction. As you can see in the image below, our doc’s introduction contains ‘buy subscription' of ons geselecteerde focus-trefwoord.

Focus keyword is used in the introduction

Content should be more than 200 words

Include more than 200 words in the doc’s content to further optimize the SEO score. Make sure that your doc’s content contains more than 200 words while maintaining relevance and meaningfulness as shown in the image below.

Content should be more than 200 words

Focus keyword is used 1-2% times of the doc content

Your focus keyword should be used 1-2% times of the doc content. But avoid keyword stuffing or placing the keyword forcefully or unnaturally. As you can see in the image below, we have placed our selected focus keyword to maintain the ideal frequency mentioned above.

Focus keyword is used 1-2% times of the doc content

Gedetailleerde SEO-analyse

We gaan nu verder met Gedetailleerde SEO-analyse. For this, we have to make sure to place the focus keyword in the image alt text, subheadings, meta description and URL and meet a few other requirements. Let us show you how to do all these.

Detailed SEO Analysis

Focus-trefwoord wordt gebruikt in de alt-tekst van de afbeelding

Make sure the focus keyword is used when adding the image alt text of the doc’s featured image. For this, navigate to StoreSEO doc optimization for your desired doc. Under the ‘Images’ section, you will find the ‘Alt-tekst field. Place your desired alt text containing the focus keyword in this field. 

As you can see in the image below, the Alt text field ‘How to Buy Subscription on Our Website Doc Featured Image’ contains our selected focus keyword (marked bold).

Focus keyword is used in image alt text

Focus keyword found in subheadings

Make sure your doc’s subheadings contain the focus keyword. You can add this to your subheading when editing your doc with BetterDocs for Shopify. As you can see in the image below, our subheading ‘Step 3: Buy Subscription’ contains our selected focus keyword (marked bold).

Focus keyword found in subheadings

Focus trefwoord gevonden in meta beschrijving

Your meta description should contain your selected focus keyword. From StoreSEO doc optimization, you can add the focus keyword in the meta description field. Our meta description is the following: 

Buy subscription in our website by following the quick and easy steps in this doc. If you face any difficulties, contact our support team for a very fast solution.

So, it contains our selected focus keyword (marked bold)

Focus keyword found in meta description

Focus keyword used in the URL

Make sure that the Shopify doc URL contains the focus keyword. You can edit the URL from under the ‘URL handle’ field when optimizing your doc with StoreSEO. As you can see, the URL field contains ‘buy subscription' of ons geselecteerde focus-trefwoord.

Opmerking: If your doc has already been indexed and you want to change its URL, it is recommended to create a URL redirection.

Focus keyword used in the URL

Meta description must be within 160 characters

Jouw doc’s meta description should be ideally within 160 characters. As you can see in the image below, our meta description is 158 characters long, which meets this requirement.

Meta description must be within 160 characters

Focus-trefwoord wordt gebruikt in de metatitel

Make sure your meta title contains your selected focus keyword. As you can see in the image below, our meta title is the following:

How to Buy Subscription on Our Website?

So, the meta title contains our selected focus keyword (marked bold). 

Focus keyword is used in the meta title

1 internal link found in doc content

Your doc content should contain 1 internal link. Internal link means linking to another doc, blog, page, product or collection of your Shopify store. To add this, proceed to edit your doc with BetterDocs for Shopify as described previously. Select the words you want to set as anchor text and click on the ‘Insert/edit link’ button. Enter the internal link in the ‘URL’ field. You also get to choose if the link will open in the same or new window upon clicking. You can set the ‘Titel' En 'Text to display’ options as well. Click on the ‘Redden'-knop als u klaar bent.

Try to link to a page or doc of your store relevant to the doc’s topic or the product or service discussed in your doc. As you can see in the image below, we have internally linked our doc to our FAQs page.

1 internal link found in doc content

1 external link found in doc content

Keep one external link in the doc content. External link means linking to external pages outside your Shopify store. Include it when editing your doc as shown in the previous point. 

Try to link to a high authority external link of a doc or page. Also, the external link should be relevant to your doc’s topic or the product or service discussed in your doc. As you can see in the image below, we have included 1 external link in our doc content.

1 external link found in doc content

Voeg alt-tekst toe aan alle afbeeldingen

Ensure that the alt text containing your selected focus keyword is added to the doc’s featured image. So, remember to place the image alt text in the ‘Image alt text’ field when optimizing your doc with StoreSEO. 

The featured image of our doc contains the relevant alt text as shown in the image below:

Add alt text to all images

By following these steps, you can address every important SEO factor for the best possible optimization score for your doc. Once you are done with your doc optimization and happy with the overall SEO Score, click on the ‘Redden' knop.

Hit the save button once you are done with doc optimization

Step 3: Optimize Your Documentation Landing Page On Shopify

To optimize your documentation landing page, navigate to the ‘Optimaliseer SEO’ tab and go to the ‘Pagina's’ option. In the list of your store’s pages, you will find the ‘Doc Page’ label beside your documentation landing page. Click on the ‘Probleem oplossen’ button on the right side of this page to optimize it.

Step 3: Optimize Your Documentation Landing Page On Shopify 1

Now, you can start optimizing your documentation landing page. The SEO Score and Basic SEO Analysis on the right side will guide you during optimization.

Step 3: Optimize Your Documentation Landing Page On Shopify 2

The Basic SEO Analysis will cover the following criteria:

  • Focus keyword used in page title
  • Page title within 70 characters
  • Focus keyword used in meta description
  • Meta description within 165 characters

Once you are done with the optimization, hit the ‘Redden' knop.

This is how easily you can configure SEO for Shopify docs using StoreSEO. Need assistance? Feel free to reach out to our toegewijd ondersteuningsteam voor elk type vraag.

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Bijgewerkt op november 13, 2024


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