[2024] Guide To Write Product Descriptions & 10 Tips To Win Over Buyers

Are you tired of struggling to write product descriptions that actually make your potential buyers want to click that “Add to Cart” button? We feel your pain. Crafting compelling product descriptions can be a real headache. However, fear not, because we have got your back.

In this blog post, “Guide To Write Product Descriptions & 10 Tips To Win Over Buyers,” we are going to unfold the mystery of writing “really good” product descriptions. We will show you how to create descriptions (with real and live screenshots) that not only describe your items but also persuade customers to make that purchase. No more watching your products collect dust on virtual shelves!

We have all been there, staring at a blank screen, wondering how to make our products sound irresistible. But do not worry. We are about to share some tips and tricks that will take your product descriptions from “meh” to “wow!”

So, if you are ready to boost your sales and conquer the world of e-commerce, keep reading this blog. We are about to make your life a whole lot easier when it comes to writing those all-important product descriptions. Get ready to win over buyers like a pro!

What Is A Product Description And What Should It Include? 

A product description is a written explanation or information about a specific item you are selling. It is like a digital sales pitch that provides potential customers with details about the product to help them make an informed decision. Here is what a product description typically includes:

Product Name: The name or title of the item, so customers know exactly what they are looking at.

Product Features: A list of the key characteristics and attributes of the product. For example, if you are selling a smartphone, you would mention the screen size, camera quality, and storage capacity.

Specifications: Technical details like dimensions, weight, color options, and materials used in the product’s construction.

Benefits And Uses: Explain how the product can improve the customer’s life or solve a problem. Describe the various ways they can use it.

Unique Selling Points (USPs): Highlight what sets your product apart from others in the market. It could be a special design, advanced technology, or a unique benefit.

How It Works: If applicable, provide information on how to use the product or any special features it has. For instance, if it is a kitchen appliance, you should explain how to operate it.

A well-crafted product description should not only inform but also persuade customers that your product is the right choice for their needs. It should be clear, concise, and tailored to your target audience. Remember, a compelling product description can significantly impact your sales and conversions on your e-commerce website.

Why Are Product Descriptions So Important For A Business?

Product descriptions are a fundamental element of your e-commerce business. They not only inform customers about your products but also persuade them to take action and make a purchase. By blending both information and persuasion, you create a compelling shopping experience that drives sales and builds a loyal customer base.

What Are The Benefits Of Good Product Descriptions?

Writing good product descriptions is uber important for your online business for a variety of reasons. Let us talk about some of them: 

Informing The Customer: Product descriptions provide essential information about your products. Customers need to know exactly what they are going to buy. Without detailed product descriptions, they might feel uncertain or confused about a product they like. Clear, accurate, and easy-to-understand information helps customers make informed decisions.

Building Trust: When customers see detailed and accurate descriptions, it builds trust. They feel confident that you are transparent about what you are selling. Trust is a crucial factor in online shopping because customers can not physically see or touch the product. So, make sure that your product descriptions are 100% accurate.

Reducing Product Returns: Accurate product descriptions can help reduce the possibility of product returns. When customers have a clear understanding of what they are buying, they are less likely to be disappointed when the product arrives to them. This reduces the hassle and cost of processing returns as well as refunds.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Advantage: Well-written product descriptions can improve your website’s SEO to a great extent. Search engines like Google and Bing use the content on your product pages to determine their relevance in search results. Quality product descriptions with relevant keywords can boost your visibility and attract more organic traffic to your business website.

Persuading Customers To Buy: Besides providing information, product descriptions should also persuade customers to make a purchase. When descriptions highlight the benefits, unique features, and value of a product, it can trigger an emotional connection and a sense of desire among customers to buy the product. 

Cross-Selling And Upselling: Effective product descriptions can also be used to suggest related or complementary products and contribute to increasing the average order value. For example, if someone is buying a camera, a well-written description could mention compatible lenses or accessories like memory cards.

Differentiating Your Products: In a crowded marketplace, where multiple sellers offer similar products, your product descriptions can set your products apart. By highlighting unique features, quality, or benefits, you can show customers why your products are the best choice.

Creating A Brand Identity: Product descriptions are an opportunity to communicate your brand’s personality and values. Consistent and well-crafted descriptions help establish your brand’s identity and make your products more memorable to your customers.

Helping With Decision-Making: Customers often compare products before making a purchase. Detailed product descriptions make it easier for them to compare features, prices, and benefits among different products. This simplifies their decision-making process.

Remember, product descriptions are a vital part of the online shopping experience. They serve multiple purposes, from providing information and building trust to convincing customers to make a purchase. So, make sure your product descriptions are exceptionally good and represent your products in the best way possible. 

How To Write Good Product Descriptions: 15 Core Principles (With Examples)

Now that you know the definition of product description and why it is so important for your business, it is time to learn how you can craft compelling product descriptions that help you get the most conversions. We have added examples so that you can clearly understand what we mean.

Be Crystal Clear

When you write product descriptions, use simple and easy-to-understand words. Do not make things too complicated. Imagine explaining your product to a friend, and that will help you keep it clear and straightforward.

Example: Instead of saying “Utilize the ergonomic features of this office chair,” you could say, “Use the comfy features of this office chair.”

Know Your Audience

To write a better product description and sell more, it is crucial for you to know and engage your target audience. Think about the people who will be reading your descriptions and who are your potential customers. Are they kids, adults, sports enthusiasts, or fashion lovers? Make sure to tailor your words to match their interests and preferences.

Example: If you are selling toys, write descriptions that appeal to kids. If it is a tech gadget, use language that tech geeks will appreciate.

Focus On Benefits

Tell your potential customers about how your product will improve their lives. Will it keep them warm on a cold day, bring fun to their playtime, or make a chore easier to handle? Highlight the top product benefits to grab their attention.

Example: Instead of just saying “This blanket is soft,” say “This soft blanket will keep you warm and cozy on chilly nights.”

Use Descriptive Words

Paint a vivid picture with words. Use product-related adjectives like “warm,” “handy”, “dazzling,” or “delicious” to help customers imagine what your product may feel like when they use that after purchasing.

Example: “This dazzling dress will make you shine at the party!”

Add Details

Provide important information about your product, such as its size, color options, and any special features. These details help customers understand exactly what they are getting.

Example: “Available in sizes S, M, and L. Choose from vibrant red, classic blue, or elegant black.”

Solve Problems

Explain how your product can solve a problem or make something better for your customers. For instance, if you are selling a backpack, mention how it can carry all their school books or be their companion on adventures.

Example: “Our backpack with multiple compartments makes organizing your school books a breeze.”

Use Bullet Points

Break down essential information into easy-to-read bullet points. This helps customers quickly find what they are looking for.


  • Soft cotton material
  • Available in five colors
  • Machine washable

Add Humor

If it goes with your product and brand, feel free to add a little humor or a fun twist to your descriptions. It can make the reading experience more enjoyable for potential customers.

Example: “These socks are so comfy, they might just make you dance a jig!”

Stimulate Emotion

Use words that evoke emotions. For example, if you are describing a blanket, you can use words like “cozy” to make customers imagine feeling warm and comfortable.

Example: “Wrap yourself in this cozy blanket and feel the warmth.”

Talk About Materials/Ingredients

Mention the materials or ingredients (for food) your product is made from. Whether it is cotton, durable plastic, or shiny metal, this information can help customers understand the quality and feel of your product. Talking about the ingredients in food helps customers know if they are allergic to certain ingredients in the food. 

Example: “Our eco-friendly shopping bags are made from 100% organic cotton.”

Be Honest

Always remain transparent and tell the truth about your product. Do not label your product as a magical solution if it is actually not! Avoid exaggeration and making false claims, as these can damage your brand reputation and trustworthiness.

Example: “This bicycle can handle rough terrain, but it is not a rocket ship.”

Use Keywords

Think about the words or phrases people might type into a search engine like Google to find your product. Include these keywords in your description to improve your product’s visibility in search results.

Example: If you sell running shoes, use terms like “running shoes for women” or “best athletic sneakers.”

Explain The Usage

If your product has instructions or specific usage tips, explain them clearly in the description. Customers appreciate knowing how to make the most of their purchases.

Example: “Setting up our smart thermostat is as easy as 1-2-3. Just follow these steps.”

Offer Guarantees

If your store has a return policy or warranty, mention it in the description. Knowing they can return or exchange the product if they are not satisfied with the product can reduce the concerns of the potential customers and help them order fearlessly. This, too, helps to build trust and hence, customer loyalty.

Example: “We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Shop with confidence!”

Check For Errors

Before publishing your description, proofread it carefully to find out any spelling or grammar mistakes. You can also use tools like Grammarly to correct common mistakes. A clean, error-free description looks more professional.

10 Tips to Win Over Buyers With Your Product Description 

There are some best practices for writing product descriptions to make them stand out. Why will anyone buy your product when the same products are being sold everywhere at the same price? Product descriptions matter more than you think them to be. Let us share 10 pro tips to attract your potential customers to buy from you. 

Share Testimonials

Reviews and testimonials are your biggest social proof to sell your products. You should showcase how the people who bought your products expressed their satisfaction regarding the quality of the products. It will inspire potential buyers to buy your products with more confidence. 

Address Safety Concerns

If it is relevant to your audience, you should highlight the safety features or certifications of your products. It will work as a confidence booster for your potential buyers as it will address and solve their concerns directly. 

Example: “Stay relaxed with our child-safe, flameless candles – perfect for homes with curious and cute babies.”

Create A Sense Of Scarcity

The scarcity technique works like magic when it comes to sales. When a stock of a product is limited, it creates the fear of missing out (FOMO) among potential customers. They hurry to order the product as quickly as they can. Also, a low stock of a product gives the potential customers a hint that the product is selling like hot cake. So, make sure to tell your customers if the stock of certain products is limited or in high demand. It will create a sense of scarcity.

Example: “Only 1 item left”. 

Address Pain Points

Your products solve some of the customers’ problems and pains, right? Make sure to identify those problems in the product description clearly and then mention how your products solve those problems and help the customers get rid of their pains and struggles. It will inspire them to act fast and purchase your products. 

Show Value

Everyone looks for value in the products they buy. Product value convinces the customers that their purchase is worth the money and their decision is right. So, make sure your customers can see the value of your product clearly. Show the value of your product in every way possible. It will help your potential customers know what is in it for them. 

Use Power Words

There are a lot of words as well as phrases that are capable of stirring emotional responses of different types in humans. These words are called Power Words

Using these power words and phrases in your product description can boost your sales. Once you use these captivating power words in your product description. these will convince your customers to make the purchase. Some of the power words include “stunning”, “sensational”, “delicious”, and “rock”. 

Specify Use Cases

Feel free to talk about the situations or scenarios where your product works the best. Describe how it can handle specific situations and how it makes life easier. 

Example: “Ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, our waterproof, shockproof camera captures breathtaking moments in any environment.”

Add Call to Action

Call to Action text like “Add to Cart”, “Buy Now”, and “Shop Today” should be one of the key elements of your product description. It will help you clearly instruct the potential customers on what to do next. Only when the customers respond to your call to action, you do get the conversion. 

Optimize For Search Engines

How can you reach your new potential customers if they do not find your products on Google and other search engines they use? It is critically important to write product descriptions in a way that helps your products rank on search engines for the product names your potential customers will search. Make sure to use product-related keywords smartly on your description copy. Only when you get traffic to your product page, you do get sales. 

Create A Sense of Urgency

You can never guarantee whether a visitor will come back again to your product page once they leave it. So, hook them with mind-blowing product descriptions and encourage immediate action. Phrases like “limited time offer” and “5 products left at this price” will motivate your product page visitors to buy instantly instead of adding them to the cart for later.

Start Crafting Amazing Product Descriptions That Sell

Now that you have a guide to product description writing & 10 tips to win over buyers, it is your turn to apply what you have just learned to craft product descriptions for your products. Remember that writing good product descriptions that will help you sell better will require a good amount of time and effort. Make sure that you apply the tips we have shared in this blog. Best wishes for your business. Oops! Forgot to say! Subscribe to our blog to get informed about blog posts like this 😀

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Ayub Ali

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